Thursday, 15 December 2011

A merry christmas from Stamp't

Stamp't Christmas Tree

What a great Stamp't start! Only a few months into the project and I have received some great response as people are loving the uniqueness of sending and receiving Stamp't Postcards. If you receive a Stamp't Postcard this Christmas I would love to hear what you think.

Very excited about what next year will bring, new opportunities and more designing which I just love. If you are interested in buying Stamp't cards, keep a watch on my online shops Etsy and Folksy. The next aim is to try stock them in as many shops as I can, so If you are interested and would like to see future Stamp't designs directly please get in touch i would love to hear from you. 

Time is flying at the moment... I wish everyone a merry christmas! A special thank you to Jo and Tim at Spectrum Framing in Thirsk for the brilliant support they have shown this year.